Thursday 21 December 2006

The fans can smell blood...tis the season to be jolly!

The players were blaming Dowie for his man management. So the board removed the "cause", but results and performances have clearly shown that it was and still is the players who are the problem. You can't hide now fella's!

The fact that the board took such a rash decision in sacking Dowie so early on has clearly sent the wrong signals to the players. And then employing the existing assistant as new coach, the one who was probably backing up Dowie's man management, was clearly the wrong choice (as it stands).

A complete re-think should have been instigated. Install a new manager and start from scratch. Instead, it appears that Reed is picking the same team, the same tactics, same set-plays, etc that Dowie was doing - no doubt he was using Reed's book and advice anyway. So nothing has really changed.

The players (apart from a few) clearly don't like this style. Now if Reed can bring in 8 or so players that he has scouted that "fit" his style then we are in business. But surely that’s a bit drastic... although drastic seems to be the best course of action at present.

Thus far we have speculated interest in Ray Jones from QPR, Zheng Zhi, the China captain who scored 1 goal and missed 1 penalty during the recent 2006 Asian Games, the duo from Hibs, Scott Brown and Kevin Thomson and Steven Pressley who recently left Hearts.

More to be added to that list straight after Christmas as January dawns on us, but one player who is sure to come back and do a job, Simon Walton, who in all honesty will be like a new signing in its self.

I'm confused as the next person about the entire current goings on. It seems to be like a war at present - the PLC board vs. the Ltd board, coaching staff vs. players, fans vs. players, and so forth.

Fans demonstrating outside the Valley after a poor display, is something I don’t think I would have seen or heard of in my life time and wouldn’t have believed you if you told me it was happening.

We need Ben Hayes “our man” to step up and be counted and try and sort fan issues out, else hell will all break lose and before we know it, cars in the West Stand car park will be ripped to shreds as the blood hounds go on a rampage.

In the clubs current dire situation, many are currently asking where Ben Hayes, our illustrious leader is, after he has become noticeably absent. As a representative of the supporters, he should be calming things down and trying to bridge the gap between us and the board, but this is currently not the case.

Maybe a result against Boro, Fulham and Villa might calm the nerves.

Failing that, hopefully Santa Claus along with our young-ones opening presents and watching their little faces glow with joy may just put things into perspective...

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