Friday 29 December 2006

The reasons why Dowie got the boot

I received some interesting information on the 23rd of December via email, from a very close friend of mine.

I'm not sure whether it has done the "rounds" as yet, but here is the "information" and "facts" regarding why Iain Dowie "didn't work out".

After reading the points given, you will then realise why the club have not allowed themselves to give the real reasons behind his sacking, and instead just put it down to "results".

  • He said he bought into the clubs continental management structure to get the job, and once he had the job, he was doing his level best to undo it.
  • He had said in his interview that he could work with the coaching staff on board (Reed and Robson), and once he got the job he tried to marginalise them and wanted to bring in his own people, including his brother, Bob Dowie. He didn’t have a personal problem with Reed and Robson, there was no animosity, he just didn’t have much of anything to do with them. They just weren’t really working together as a team.
  • He and Murray were falling out over what he said that he would do, and what he was actually doing
  • In training, he never worked on set plays or free kick. Never!
  • On match days, he did nothing to prepare the team. Before Wigan, he had lunch with his wife and didn’t even meet the team until just prior to kick-off.
  • The day before the Newcastle match, he had the team gather in a team building exercise and took them for a walk along a motorway. A few hours later the players returned to the hotel separately and they were all covered in mud. No one would tell upper management what had been going on.
  • He introduced boxing training, possibly as many as six times during his brief tenure. (Remember that Friday he went missing, and how it took them all day on the Monday after Wigan to tell him that he had been sacked?)
  • Rumours abound about a drink problem and infidelities.
  • Mental issues also have been mentioned.
  • He was also prone to upsetting staff and has said to have thrown a punch in the direction of Jimmy Floyd and Marcus Bent.


Anonymous said...

The Financial Times has already printed that "Dowie was sacked for gross misconduct" - unlike the Sun/Mirror they would not do this without some evidence. This evidence must remain private in case of an appeal or tribunal hearing affecting the employee concerned.
Gross misconduct implies something away from footballing matters, and involving some kind of behavioral or interpersonal one-off incident - such as a theft, drunkeness, absence etc.
Although your list may well be 100% accurate, I think you will find, in time,that your final reason is the crucial event in his demise.


RedZed333 said...

I always said he was a bit of nutter but no-one ever believed me!

Anonymous said...

Our players didnt deserve the childish and pathetic management of Dowie - the more I hear the more I am absolutley disgusted at his treatment of the team and individuals. Praise to Murray for getting Les in as a stop gap until Pardew was available and hopefully we can get it turned around. No one could of predicted how Dowie would of turned out well apart from Jordan and he was hardly likely to tell us was he.